High5Paragliding was founded in 2013 by Uwe Klein - German pilot. Max Lee - Korean pilot and Buco - Philipino pilot joined after several years. We are based in Metro Manila in the Philippines. We are not limited only to tandem flying but also providing training and other activities. But we are providing here only paragliding tandem flying. Currently, Uwe is out of the country for his personal work. And Max is managing High5paragliding as a representative.
Join and fly with us.
Address from founder
HIGH 5 PARAGLIDING was founded in 2013 by Uwe Klein and is part of EZ Richworld Inc.*, which is recognized as an official representing body for paragliding by the Government of the Philippines.
Being a German by nationality I came to the Philippines at the end of 2011 and was happy to find a small but active community of paragliding pilots. I learned that Filipinos are enthusiastic about outdoor adventure activities, and so no wonder that the sport is growing steadily in the Philippines. When starting my first flights of paragliding back in 1991, the wings looked more like a parachute and safety was not always a major priority. Things have changed since and I never suffered any injury from flying or skydiving, which I also practised for almost 20 years since 1984 and managed over 1000 jumps.
My first flights were in Austria, and I quickly came to travel and paraglide in many places, not only in Europe but beyond. In my expat life I never missed a chance to fly in the countries where I lived, including Bosnia, Yemen, Syria, Zambia, and now the Philippines. In some of those places, I was the first paragliding pilot ever to take off the ground!
As of today I have conducted more than 4000 flights of paragliding including 3000+ of tandem. No injury ever happened to anyone.
I do NOT compromise in equipment and safety. I am the only pilot in the Philippines with an internationally recognized APPI tandem license and a valid Third Party Liability (TPL) insurance covering up to 1.600.000 € (~ 100 Mio PHP). I also fly with a reserve parachute.
Choose your operator well and always
Happy Landings.